
10 pieces of advice to devise a project

We now go on to indicate a few short steps that can guide you to devise your project:

This is the outcome of an analysis and planning process based on the reality from which an idea came, which might be the response or solution to a requirement of an organisation or one of its customers.

It can be stated that the nature of a project is its very essence. It must be specifically defined. It contemplates the objectives that uphold it, its mission and the justification to materialise it.

In relation to the project’s foundations, the criteria (logic reasoning) and/or reasons justifying the project being undertaken must be presented.

It is very important to emphasise this to bear it in mind when working on this part of the project. Two basic requirements: it is necessary to explain the priority and urgency of the problem for which a solution is sought; it is necessary to justify why this formulated project is the most suitable or feasible solution proposal to solve the problem.

Here the idea is to indicate the reason for the project or the effects that undertaking it are to be accomplished. The overall objective: this is the central project purpose. Specific objectives: the ulterior objectives, specifications or steps to be taken to fulfil or consolidate the overall objective.

How many, when and where the objectives will be carried out. This is how the level and composition of its components, the activities that must be performed and the pattern that the operations to perform them take are determined.

It refers to the position or area where the project will be located and organised; that is, the territorial area is the place that it will cover and its area of influence.

The project methodology is the set of procedures followed to plan and manage all the project components; from resources management to teamwork coordination, or the relation with all those interested in the Project’s outcomes.

Activities are the intervention actions taken on the required reality to fulfil a project’s specific objectives.

These tools are very important for project management. They can be a printed document or a digital application.

A chronogram shows the various tasks or milestones making up the project in order, the precedence and background relations among them, their duration, and when the project starts and ends. It also includes a list of activities or tasks with the foreseen project start and end dates.

Whoever the immediate beneficiaries are, those who will be the final or indirect beneficiaries, or whoever the project’s impact will favour. They all need to be accurately identified. To this end, delimiting, investigating and inquiring them might be useful; e.g. for their general situation (income, requirements, jobs, accessing services, etc.).

The people in charge of organising, managing and leading the Project Team while the process is underway. This area is made up of those people who have been assigned roles and responsibilities to finish the Project.

These are the tangible assets that will be made available to us or which we will require.  Installations: buildings, land. Equipment: machinery, tools, vehicles. The raw and auxiliary materials that form part of the product, products underway, finished products, etc.